Cat, Dog, Goat, Pig, Ferret and Chicken run?

On every Real estate transaction in the state of Oregon the seller needs to provide a sellers property Disclosure. It’s a 5 page disclosure, it’s not a warranty or guarantee and it’s just information provided by the seller to the best of their knowledge.   My favorite question is on page 5 line #196. In essence it asks the seller is there any factors that could affect the value of your home.   I had a client email me this morning, he was joking but it’s not that far from reality.  He said: Hey Greg, I’ve decided for the sake of full disclosure to add this statement on the property disclosure.  Regarding the park across the street please be advised some major changes are underway. For 12 years there has been this nice dog park there. I found out that due to 2 people complaining to the city about dog discrimination the dog run area is now a Cat, Dog, Goat, Pig, Ferret and chicken run area. They also had a food cart in the parking lot, a nice Mexican food wagon but now the city is making some major changes on those also. Apparently 7 people complained to city hall about food discrimination so now the city is adding 195 food carts to represent every country in the world.  I responded by saying the answer to where you live would be “What is Portland Oregon”.