Yesterday was fun. I had 6 minutes of fame with Lars Larson and I made it on the network news at 4, 5 and 6pm. I posted my story on Facebook and over 600 people liked it and almost 300 commented. My story was shared 132 times and I now have 2 more requests for interviews. My good friend Scott is starting a campaign, without my approval, to get me to run for office. I told him without any kind of logical defense for my past actions I would never pass a background check. Besides, most of my good friends would sell me out for a 6 pack of beer and a pack of smokes. I know they would because I’d do it to them for even less. A family member told me I should’ve used this opportunity to tell the world I’m a Realtor or that I’m also a published humorist writer for several major newspapers. I kind of agree, Lars Larson does have over a million listeners and advertising my name could have brought me some business. To be honest I was just a little worried about the wrath of Kate. I even suggested to one of my friends to start a go fund me account for when she decided to ruin my life. With all this fame, remember over 8 minutes combined! I decided to take my cousins advice and use it to help build my business. So here’s the deal, and it’s on a limited time offer because in a day or so nobody will even remember a thing about my 8 minutes of fame. For the next 2 days I’ll be at the office signing my name, Greg Rosen, on a contract that states I will market and sell your home! And in return I’ll let you tell the world you got Greg Rosen, a semi famous realtor and one hell of a nice guy to sell your home. That is my gift to you, because I care. Since I’m confident spots will be filling quickly I’m going to need to limit this to the first 100 people who contact me, so don’t delay, pick up that phone today or email me at [email protected]