All this smoke gave me a flashback to an event that has followed 2 friends, my buddy Greg and I, our entire lives. I think it’s just entertaining enough to share with you so here’s how the story goes. Back in 1979 I kind of liked to smoke marijuana from time to time but it was nothing like what you can buy in those dispensaries we see all over town.  It was brown and it had seeds, lots of them. There were no pretty green buds with fancy names, as a matter of fact there were no buds at all. It was just this raunchy smelling brown stuff that closely resembled dirt. There was some good stuff you could buy but nobody I knew could afford that.

We found gold!

Then one day Greg and I found an ounce of Columbian Gold just sitting on the sidewalk. To put this in perspective, it’s like we were used to driving around in a 1967 VW bug, with duct tape holding the fenders on and now we are driving around in a brand new, shiny, bright red Ferrari! We had never seen anything like it in our life.  For those without firsthand knowledge marijuana today does not have seeds, seeds are bad. Some of you will never know how good you have it. Since a seed reacts just like popcorn you will never know much pain you can have when a seed explodes just as the lighter finds it and it ends up in your eye. After finding what we considered to be the best thing ever in the world, after all it was 1979, we went over to my house. We visited with my parents before we headed to the basement where my room was.

The Plan

All we had to do now was wait for them to go to bed. In my old home I could hear every sound upstairs, and I mean everything. Pretty sure I should have had therapy because there are some things as a kid you just do not want to hear your parents doing. I’ll save that for another article titled “Things you never want to hear your parents doing”. Once the coast was clear we slipped out of the basement window and we decided to hide in the garden shed to try out our new found treasure. Before we knew it we had smoked so much we couldn’t see each other in the shed. After spending the following hour laughing so hard at basically nothing because that is one of the known side effects of marijuana, we decided it was time to head back inside. We then discovered the door locks from the outside, we had locked ourselves in the garden shed. We then laughed for another 15 minutes over that, it was pretty damn funny. We tried everything we could for an hour to get the door unlocked, we were not successful. It was at that moment my good friend Greg said, why we don’t just go out the window.

The smoke will clear folks, life will once again come into focus, Remember to smile, it makes everything a little better.