That time has come, you want to sell your home. You’ve picked the Realtor and did everything they told you to get your home in the best possible condition. They had you remove all the clutter, touch up the paint, clean carpets and more. You’ve spent so much time cleaning the interior it could now be compared to a hospital operating room and the yard is so perfect it looks like you hired a landscaping expert.
Now the hard part, how do you maintain your picture perfect house.
Consider farming out every kid you have to the grandparents until you get an offer, because I guarantee any child under 2 is not going to be a team player on keeping it looking this way and most teenagers these days just don’t get the concept of a made bed and a neat room. The other problem you have is family pets. Rarely have I seen a dog that cleans up after it does a doo doo in the yard and buyers never like to see landmines, send them with the kids. Husbands are the worst. It’s best to just remove them from the home for the first few days after listing because they have no concept of how to keep things clean. It’s a well-known fact that most men think dirty dishes can be left in the sink and keeping the bathroom clean and odor free is just not in the normal everyday thought pattern of your basic man. For these reasons and many more the ideal solution is as soon as you put down the last cleaning product immediately get in the car with all the kids and pets and go on vacation. This and this alone is the only way to guarantee all your efforts will not have been in vain.