Proof Aliens are amongst us.

I have been fascinated with crop circles for longer than I can remember. These mysterious formations have appeared on every continent in the world. The highest concentration has been reported in England around the prehistoric monument known as Stonehenge. Since the 14th century crop circles have been documented however not until the last 40 years have they really been reported, photographed, and analyzed. Scientists have determined they represent mathematical equations, astronomical bodies, and a considerable number were found to be in the shape of extraterrestrial life forms.

My wife never was a believer.

This fascination with crop circles drove me to buy a property in Sandy with a large pasture. For the last 12 years I watched and waited. I knew I had to keep the field clear of obstacles to allow for an unobstructed landing site, but my wife was not helping. To be honest she never believed. She even bought a large trampoline, almost twenty feet around and she put it right in the middle of our field!

Aliens welcome

I tried to explain the trampoline would hinder my efforts to create the perfect UFO landing site. It was at this point I had to agree to never have this conversation again, in return she agreed to not have me admitted to a psychiatric hospital for a mental evaluation. Being a good husband, I agreed, then proceeded to do exactly as I wanted to do in the first place. Thankfully, she could not see the 20 x 20-foot sign I made which said “Aliens Welcome” on top of our barn. By the way, I was right about my field making a good landing site because just after we threw away the trampoline, it happened!

Actual proof provided!

I know there are skeptics, so I included the actual photo of what I believe is a 100% verifiable crop circle! I took this photo myself, so I say with certainty it has not been doctored or altered in any way. I can tell you after an incredibly detailed investigation of the landing site I determined a few things. First, it was a perfect 20foot round circle. Second, the crop circle was in the exact spot where the trampoline had just been removed from the previous day. I cannot help but think how many times they just passed over my field looking for a better spot because my wife just had to put a trampoline in the middle of it. This may be my last article. I have a feeling my time is going to be in high demand and undoubtedly I will become incredibly famous when word gets out. Just know I love you all and I appreciate all the support you have given me. But this is bigger than you and me, so I need to run with it and see where it goes. I could not think of the perfect ending for this story, so I think I will just go with be good humans and I am glad I did not get probed.

 Greg Rosen is a father, Husband, Realtor, and humorist writer for several major newspapers. Questions or comments can be sent to [email protected]