How to get a Realtors services for free!

Simply call a Realtor and ask them to help you purchase a home. This is major news so let me say it again.  AS A BUYER YOU CAN GET A REALTOR FOR FREE WHEN YOU PURCHASE REAL ESTATE. What exactly does that mean? We do everything from start to finish. We do daily searches for homes and set up all viewings for you. We can give you recommendations on lenders, inspectors and contractors. We do all the paperwork necessary which includes the purchase agreement and disclosures. But wait there’s more! Realtors can provide you comparable sales in the area so that you know what the home you want to buy is worth which is very valuable when we are negotiating with the seller. Yes, you heard that right! As your Realtor we do all the negotiations with the seller so you don’t have to. As a buyer our services are almost always free. So the question is why would you not use a realtor when buying real estate? I can answer that question. You see I was born on April fool’s day which makes me a professional in the area of fools. I’ve heard that’s something I really shouldn’t advertise but it does qualify me to comment in this area. Just because I’m labeled a fool doesn’t mean you have to be. Today, is the day you make a stand! Repeat after me, I am a smart and happy person, I make intelligent decisions on my life and with my finances. Today, I’m getting a licensed Realtor to help me buy a home. Now quit reading this and go call a Realtor before it’s too late. If you like what you see please share and follow my Blog.