Realtors Real Life Nightmares Revealed.

Things happen that can’t be explained. Over the next 4 weeks I’m going to share a few realtor stories featuring strange things that have happened during showings. This haunting was at a home in Sandy, Oregon. History: One seller passed in the bathroom, the other seller in the basement. The showing was at 8pm and the buyers had just left when I noticed a light on in the basement.  Re-entering the home I immediately knew something was very different. The home was bitter cold but it was warm minutes before. As I moved to the basement stairway it felt as though I’d stepped in super glue. I could not move my legs toward the stairs. To say I was frozen with fear would be an understatement. I turned and ran straight to my car. Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to calm my fears. I knew and felt there was someone else in my car. For miles I had all the interior lights on and I kept checking the back seat. I couldn’t make sense about what happened at the home. All I knew was what happened to me. For this reason and many others this is just one example of why you should never try buying a home without a realtor, we are trained to handle the unexplained besides most people would rather have someone else who is willing to go back into the spooky house so they don’t have to.

Interested in winning 4  tickets to The Beneath, Portland’s haunted house and a $100 VISA gift card for dinner? To enter search FB for “The Greg Rosen” and hit follow. I’m giving away 4 of these packages through 10/25. Once you hit follow you are automatically entered.